Viewing Room / Objects, Daniel Gustav Cramer (21 September – 4 November 2023)

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023


In 2009, Daniel Gustav Cramer installed an exhibition in the former space of the gallery. Framed by two found photographs, a small sculpture was placed on the floor. A cast iron sphere hanging from a metal tripod, titled I. A year later, at Samsa in Berlin, a second sculpture, named II, was exhibited.  

Since then, a growing number of objects – found, produced by local artisans or made by himself – have become elements in his ongoing series of installations – alongside book works, photographs, texts and films. Their presence has always been subtle; objects that belong to the exhibitions as much as to the space they are shown in; physical notations left by the artist.  

With each new object, Cramer confirms and questions the principles of the series, their objecthood and ontology. The works seem to linger at the threshold that separates things from works of art – not fitting in either of these two realms – simultaneously inhabiting both. They are composed of two elements: a material presence and a written document that gives account of the specific properties.

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXI, 2022. Wooden sphere in metal box. 450 g, ø 4.5 cm. Metal box 37 x 27 x 35 cm. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXI, 2022. Wooden sphere in metal box. 450 g, ø 4.5 cm. Metal box 37 x 27 x 35 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXI, 2022. Wooden sphere in metal box. 450 g, ø 4.5 cm. Metal box 37 x 27 x 35 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIX, 2016. (White) metal stick. 190 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIX, 2016. (White) metal stick. 190 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIX, 2016. (White) metal stick. 190 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, XCV, 2023. Metal plate. 22 x 3 x 1,5 cm. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, XCV, 2023. Metal plate. 22 x 3 x 1,5 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, XCV, 2023. Metal plate. 22 x 3 x 1,5 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, C, 2023. 100 metal spheres. 4348g, ø6mm–ø28mm. Unique. Group of one-hundred spheres
Daniel Gustav Cramer, C, 2023. 100 metal spheres. 4348g, ø6mm–ø28mm. Unique. Group of one-hundred spheres

Daniel Gustav Cramer, C, 2023. 100 metal spheres. 4348g, ø6mm–ø28mm. Unique. Group of one-hundred spheres

Daniel Gustav Cramer, VIII, 2012. Metal stick, burnished, erected in a vertical position. 225 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique. Metal rod placed perpendicular to the floor
Daniel Gustav Cramer, VIII, 2012. Metal stick, burnished, erected in a vertical position. 225 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique. Metal rod placed perpendicular to the floor

Daniel Gustav Cramer, VIII, 2012. Metal stick, burnished, erected in a vertical position. 225 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Unique. Metal rod placed perpendicular to the floor

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023


Several objects were never meant to be exhibited. LXV (2021) is a wooden, slightly deformed sphere that travelled with the help of two friends on a five month journey around the globe, only to return to the artists home thereafter. This performative act, carried out by vessels crossing oceans, postmen in Germany, Australia and the US, completed the work. The sphere today remains as artefact and evidence of this event.

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XIII, 2012. Cast iron sphere. 2261 g / ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Sphere placed in a corner
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XIII, 2012. Cast iron sphere. 2261 g / ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Sphere placed in a corner

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XIII, 2012. Cast iron sphere. 2261 g / ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Sphere placed in a corner

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that is not considered a work
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that is not considered a work

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that is not considered a work

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LXI, 2020. Wooden sphere. 612 g, ø 11,7 cm. Unique. The object can only be acquired as a gift to another person. A certificate includes the names of both the buyer and the recipient
Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LXI, 2020. Wooden sphere. 612 g, ø 11,7 cm. Unique. The object can only be acquired as a gift to another person. A certificate includes the names of both the buyer and the recipient

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LXI, 2020. Wooden sphere. 612 g, ø 11,7 cm. Unique. The object can only be acquired as a gift to another person. A certificate includes the names of both the buyer and the recipient

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023


Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXI, 2021. 3 bronze objects, hand beaten, patinated. 120 mm, ø 300 mm; 160mm, ø380mm; 90 mm, ø 240 mm. Unique. Each object represents one-third of a complete sphere
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXI, 2021. 3 bronze objects, hand beaten, patinated. 120 mm, ø 300 mm; 160mm, ø380mm; 90 mm, ø 240 mm. Unique. Each object represents one-third of a complete sphere

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXI, 2021. 3 bronze objects, hand beaten, patinated. 120 mm, ø 300 mm; 160mm, ø380mm; 90 mm, ø 240 mm. Unique. Each object represents one-third of a complete sphere


To install XXXII (2015), a small cast iron sphere needs to be buried beneath the ground, withdrawing itself from the possibility of being present. LIII (2019) claims to be a copy of XIII (2012), existing as its Doppelgänger. LIV (2020) takes on the name of its surrounding, a chameleon. It might be called Hand for as long as it is held, or named Shelf, Storage, and so on. LXXXII (2022) solely exists as its own number – it has no other form or representation. For the exhibition, the two-part publication has been produced.

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that traveled the globe. In 2017, an object was shipped from Berlin to Sale, a small town 200 km west of Melbourne, Australia. It continued its journey to Los Angeles, crossed the Atlantic and returned to Berlin. The entire trip spanned a duration of approx. 5 months. Organised with the support of Anne Albrecht (USA) and Leon Firth (AUS) 
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that traveled the globe. In 2017, an object was shipped from Berlin to Sale, a small town 200 km west of Melbourne, Australia. It continued its journey to Los Angeles, crossed the Atlantic and returned to Berlin. The entire trip spanned a duration of approx. 5 months. Organised with the support of Anne Albrecht (USA) and Leon Firth (AUS) 

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXV, 2021. Wooden sphere. 682 g, ø 11,3 cm. Unique. A sphere that traveled the globe. In 2017, an object was shipped from Berlin to Sale, a small town 200 km west of Melbourne, Australia. It continued its journey to Los Angeles, crossed the Atlantic and returned to Berlin. The entire trip spanned a duration of approx. 5 months. Organised with the support of Anne Albrecht (USA) and Leon Firth (AUS) 

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LIV, 2020, Wooden sphere. 321g, ø 9,5 cm. Unique. An object that takes on the name of its surrounding
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LIV, 2020, Wooden sphere. 321g, ø 9,5 cm. Unique. An object that takes on the name of its surrounding

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LIV, 2020, Wooden sphere. 321g, ø 9,5 cm. Unique. An object that takes on the name of its surrounding

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIV, 2015. Cast iron sphere. 2229 g, ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Placed in immediate vicinity to another artwork
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIV, 2015. Cast iron sphere. 2229 g, ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Placed in immediate vicinity to another artwork

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XXXIV, 2015. Cast iron sphere. 2229 g, ø 8,2 cm. Unique. Placed in immediate vicinity to another artwork

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXVI, 2022. Cast iron sphere wrapped in fabric. 7200 g, ø 12,8 cm. Unique Tecido antigo adquirido num mercado de Tóquio em 2019. / Antique fabric purchased from a market in Tokyo in 2019.
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXVI, 2022. Cast iron sphere wrapped in fabric. 7200 g, ø 12,8 cm. Unique Tecido antigo adquirido num mercado de Tóquio em 2019. / Antique fabric purchased from a market in Tokyo in 2019.

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXVI, 2022. Cast iron sphere wrapped in fabric. 7200 g, ø 12,8 cm. Unique Tecido antigo adquirido num mercado de Tóquio em 2019. / Antique fabric purchased from a market in Tokyo in 2019.

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIX, 2021. Wooden sphere. 17,7 kg, ø 35 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average coyote
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIX, 2021. Wooden sphere. 17,7 kg, ø 35 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average coyote

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIX, 2021. Wooden sphere. 17,7 kg, ø 35 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average coyote

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXIV, 2022. Wooden sphere. 3024 g, ø 16.6 cm. Unique. Sphere titled “Sunrise”
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXIV, 2022. Wooden sphere. 3024 g, ø 16.6 cm. Unique. Sphere titled “Sunrise”

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXXIV, 2022. Wooden sphere. 3024 g, ø 16.6 cm. Unique. Sphere titled “Sunrise”

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCI, 2022. Black sphere. 295 g, ø 9,9 cm. Unique. Wooden sphere painted with the darkest black paint available, currently Musou Black, produced in Ageo-City, Saitama-Prefecture, Japan
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCI, 2022. Black sphere. 295 g, ø 9,9 cm. Unique. Wooden sphere painted with the darkest black paint available, currently Musou Black, produced in Ageo-City, Saitama-Prefecture, Japan

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCI, 2022. Black sphere. 295 g, ø 9,9 cm. Unique. Wooden sphere painted with the darkest black paint available, currently Musou Black, produced in Ageo-City, Saitama-Prefecture, Japan

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere. 3636 g , ø 10,2 cm. Unique. Placed in complete darkness
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere. 3636 g , ø 10,2 cm. Unique. Placed in complete darkness

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere. 3636 g , ø 10,2 cm. Unique. Placed in complete darkness

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXV, 2022. Metal sphere. 2262 g, ø 8,1 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average mallard couple
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXV, 2022. Metal sphere. 2262 g, ø 8,1 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average mallard couple

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXV, 2022. Metal sphere. 2262 g, ø 8,1 cm. Unique. The object’s weight equals that of an average mallard couple

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCII, 2022. Polished stone sphere. 466 g, ø 6,9 cm. Unique. The sphere serves as a paperweight
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCII, 2022. Polished stone sphere. 466 g, ø 6,9 cm. Unique. The sphere serves as a paperweight

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCII, 2022. Polished stone sphere. 466 g, ø 6,9 cm. Unique. The sphere serves as a paperweight

Daniel Gustav Cramer, CI, 2023. Wooden sphere. 938 g, ø 12,6 cm. Unique. The sphere is jointly owned by two individuals in an equitable partnership, ensuring an equal stake for both parties. While one of the individuals has the option to sell their share of the sphere, the other will maintain partial ownership throughout the process
Daniel Gustav Cramer, CI, 2023. Wooden sphere. 938 g, ø 12,6 cm. Unique. The sphere is jointly owned by two individuals in an equitable partnership, ensuring an equal stake for both parties. While one of the individuals has the option to sell their share of the sphere, the other will maintain partial ownership throughout the process

Daniel Gustav Cramer, CI, 2023. Wooden sphere. 938 g, ø 12,6 cm. Unique. The sphere is jointly owned by two individuals in an equitable partnership, ensuring an equal stake for both parties. While one of the individuals has the option to sell their share of the sphere, the other will maintain partial ownership throughout the process


Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LIX, 2020. Found cast iron sphere, metal tripod, wire, burnished.  57 x 57 x 54 cm, ø 6 cm. Unique. Metal object suspended from a tripod stand
Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LIX, 2020. Found cast iron sphere, metal tripod, wire, burnished.  57 x 57 x 54 cm, ø 6 cm. Unique. Metal object suspended from a tripod stand

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, LIX, 2020. Found cast iron sphere, metal tripod, wire, burnished.  57 x 57 x 54 cm, ø 6 cm. Unique. Metal object suspended from a tripod stand

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCIV, 2023. Cast iron sphere. 64 g, ø 2,6 cm. Unique. Witness
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCIV, 2023. Cast iron sphere. 64 g, ø 2,6 cm. Unique. Witness

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XCIV, 2023. Cast iron sphere. 64 g, ø 2,6 cm. Unique. Witness


Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXX, 2021. A hole in a wall. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXX, 2021. A hole in a wall. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXX, 2021. A hole in a wall. Unique

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere under burnished metal table. 260 g, ø 5 cm / 22,1 x 13,6 x 10,2 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned at the center under the table | LXXIV, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 163 g, ø 4,5 cm / 15,5 x 11,2 x 5 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned in the centre of the table
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere under burnished metal table. 260 g, ø 5 cm / 22,1 x 13,6 x 10,2 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned at the center under the table | LXXIV, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 163 g, ø 4,5 cm / 15,5 x 11,2 x 5 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned in the centre of the table

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXIII, 2021. Cast iron sphere under burnished metal table. 260 g, ø 5 cm / 22,1 x 13,6 x 10,2 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned at the center under the table | LXXIV, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 163 g, ø 4,5 cm / 15,5 x 11,2 x 5 cm. Unique.  Sphere positioned in the centre of the table

Daniel Gustav Cramer, CIV, 2023. Wooden spheres in box, metal box. Box 41 x 29 x 11. Unique. 9 antique wooden spheres gathered inside a box
Daniel Gustav Cramer, CIV, 2023. Wooden spheres in box, metal box. Box 41 x 29 x 11. Unique. 9 antique wooden spheres gathered inside a box

Daniel Gustav Cramer, CIV, 2023. Wooden spheres in box, metal box. Box 41 x 29 x 11. Unique. 9 antique wooden spheres gathered inside a box

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XLI, 2016.  (White) metal stick. 110 cm, ø 1.1 cm. Unique. Hand-polished steel stick, two concrete stands. Installed on a wall, or placed on the floor  
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XLI, 2016.  (White) metal stick. 110 cm, ø 1.1 cm. Unique. Hand-polished steel stick, two concrete stands. Installed on a wall, or placed on the floor  

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XLI, 2016.  (White) metal stick. 110 cm, ø 1.1 cm. Unique. Hand-polished steel stick, two concrete stands. Installed on a wall, or placed on the floor  

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, CII, 2023. Metal plate installed vertically on a wall. 27 x 9 x 1.2 cm. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, CII, 2023. Metal plate installed vertically on a wall. 27 x 9 x 1.2 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer Título, CII, 2023. Metal plate installed vertically on a wall. 27 x 9 x 1.2 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XC, 2022. 7 japanese ukidamas. Glass spheres found over a period of several years at beaches around Point Hope, Alaska, acquired in 2014
Daniel Gustav Cramer, XC, 2022. 7 japanese ukidamas. Glass spheres found over a period of several years at beaches around Point Hope, Alaska, acquired in 2014

Daniel Gustav Cramer, XC, 2022. 7 japanese ukidamas. Glass spheres found over a period of several years at beaches around Point Hope, Alaska, acquired in 2014

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXII, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 5300 g, ø 11,7 cm. 55 x 55 x 7 cm. Unique
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXII, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 5300 g, ø 11,7 cm. 55 x 55 x 7 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXII, 2021. Cast iron sphere on burnished metal table. 5300 g, ø 11,7 cm. 55 x 55 x 7 cm. Unique

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXVI, 2022. 3 wooden spheres. 586 g, ø 9,7 cm / 592 g, ø 9,8 cm / 585 g, ø 9,8 cm. Unique. Three spheres are arranged on the floor in a configuration where each sphere is touching the other two 
Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXVI, 2022. 3 wooden spheres. 586 g, ø 9,7 cm / 592 g, ø 9,8 cm / 585 g, ø 9,8 cm. Unique. Three spheres are arranged on the floor in a configuration where each sphere is touching the other two 

Daniel Gustav Cramer, LXXVI, 2022. 3 wooden spheres. 586 g, ø 9,7 cm / 592 g, ø 9,8 cm / 585 g, ø 9,8 cm. Unique. Three spheres are arranged on the floor in a configuration where each sphere is touching the other two 

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023
Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023

Exhibition view: Daniel Gustav Cramer, Objects, Galeria Vera Cortês, 2023


Daniel Gustav Cramer (b. 1975, Neuss, Germany) lives and works in Berlin. Solo shows included Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie d’Aurillac (FR), Kunsthalle Mulhouse (FR), Kunsthalle Lissabon (PT), Kunsthaus Glarus (CH), Documentahalle, Kassel (DE), Kunstverein Nürnberg (DE), Salts, Biersfelden (CH), Tongewölbe t25, Ingolstadt (DE), Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (JP). CAC Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius (LT) His work has been shown in group exhibitions including Manifesta 14, Pristina (XK), dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel, (DE); Artists Space, NYC (USA); Cura, Rome, (IT); Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon (PT); NMNM Monaco, (MO); Palais de Tokyo, Paris, (FR); Piano Nobile, Geneva, (CH); Witte de With, Rotterdam (NL); IAC FRAC, Villeurbanne, (FR); Misk Art Center, Riyadh (KSA); Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE); Mudam, Luxemburg (LU); Renaissance Society, Chicago (USA).

// (PT)   Em 2009, Daniel Gustav Cramer instalou uma exposição no antigo espaço da Galeria. Emoldurada por duas fotografias encontradas, foi colocada uma pequena escultura no chão. Uma esfera de ferro fundido pendurada num tripé de metal, intitulada I. Um ano mais tarde, na Samsa, em Berlim, foi exposta uma segunda escultura, denominada II. Desde então, um número crescente de objectos – encontrados, produzidos por artesãos locais ou feitos pelo próprio – tornaram-se elementos da série contínua de instalações do artista – juntamente com obras em livro, fotografias, textos e filmes. A presença destes foi sempre subtil; objectos que pertencem tanto às exposições como ao espaço onde são apresentados; anotações físicas deixadas pelo artista.   Com cada novo objeto, Cramer confirma e questiona os princípios da série, a sua objectualidade e ontologia. As obras parecem permanecer no limiar que separa as coisas das obras de arte – não se enquadrando em nenhum destes dois domínios – habitando ambos simultaneamente. São compostas por dois elementos: uma presença material e um documento escrito que dá conta das suas propriedades específicas.   Vários objectos nunca foram concebidos para serem expostos. LXV (2021) é uma esfera de madeira, ligeiramente deformada, que viajou com a ajuda de dois amigos durante cinco meses à volta do mundo, para depois regressar a casa do artista. Este acto performativo, levado a cabo por navios que atravessaram oceanos, carteiros na Alemanha, Austrália e EUA, participou na completude da obra. A esfera permanece hoje como artefacto e prova deste acontecimento. Para instalar XXXII (2015), uma pequena esfera de ferro fundido precisa de ser enterrada sob o solo, retirando-lhe a possibilidade de estar presente. LIII (2019) apresenta-se como uma cópia de XIII (2012), existindo como o seu “doppelgänger”. LIV (2020) assume como nome o espaço onde é colocada, é um camaleão. Pode chamar-se Mão enquanto estiver na mão, ou chamarse Prateleira, Armazém, etc. LXXXII (2022) existe apenas como o seu próprio número – não tem qualquer outra forma ou representação.   Para a exposição, foi produzida uma publicação em duas partes.

Daniel Gustav Cramer (1975, Neuss, Alemanha) vive e trabalha em Berlim. As exposições individuais incluíram o Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie d’Aurillac (FR), Kunsthalle Mulhouse (FR), Kunsthalle Lissabon (PT), Kunsthaus Glarus (CH), Documentahalle, Kassel (DE), Kunstverein Nürnberg (DE), Salts, Biersfelden (CH), Tongewölbe t25, Ingolstadt (DE), Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tóquio (JP). CAC Centro de Arte Contemporânea, Vilnius (LT) O seu trabalho foi apresentado em exposições colectivas, incluindo Manifesta 14, Pristina (XK), dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel, (DE); Artists Space, Nova Iorque (EUA); Cura, Roma, (IT); Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisboa (PT); NMNM Mónaco, (MO); Palais de Tokyo, Paris, (FR); Piano Nobile, Genebra, (CH); Witte de With, Roterdão (NL); IAC FRAC, Villeurbanne, (FR); Misk Art Center, Riade (KSA); Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE); Mudam, Luxemburgo (LU); Renaissance Society, Chicago (USA).Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (DE); Mudam, Luxemburg (LU); Renaissance Society, Chicago (USA).
