John Wood (b.1969, Hong Kong) and Paul Harrison (b.1966, Wolverhampton) have been collaborating since 1991 and produced their first work Board in 1993. They explore how we interact with the world around us, highlighting the ordinary, the absurd and the accidental.
Wood and Harrison are fascinated by architecture and design and how we engage with our environment in unintended ways. They explore the human tendency to improvise or mess things up, arguably in a good way. Their works form a kind of reference manual for how to do, make, build, or draw things that you probably never want to do, make, build, or draw. They do it for you, even though you didn’t ask them to.
During the past 15 years there have been radical developments in their work, shifting from almost exclusively video work to a practice that incorporates multiple ways of examining themes first explored in their screen-based works. Now across video, sculpture, painting and drawing, they continue to demonstrate the triumphs and tribulations of living life and making art.
Recent solo exhibitions include: ‘Everything is Black and White’, Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon (2021); ‘Bored’, Gallery Cristin Tierney, New York (2021); ‘Words Made of Atoms’, Gallery von Bartha, S-chanf, Switzerland (2020); ‘As logical as possible’, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany (2017).
Recent group exhibitions include: ‘Beano: The Art of Breaking the Rules, Somerset House’, London (2021); ‘Fresh Window’, MUDAM, Luxemburg (2019); ‘On Struggling to remain present when you want to disappear’, OCAT Museum, Shanghai, China (2018); ‘[Re]construct’, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield (2017).
Selected solo museum shows: CAMH, Houston, USA; Mori Museum, Tokyo, Japan; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK; Frist Centre, Nashville, USA; Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland; Chateau de Rochechouart, France; Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary.
Selected group shows: ‘Art Now’, Lightbox, Tate Britain, London / ‘Slapstick’ Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Germany / ‘Private Utopia’ British Council Touring, Japan / ‘Super 8’, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / ‘Open Space’, ICC, Tokyo, Japan / ‘Mardin Bienali, Mardin, Turkey / ‘Made in Britain’, British Council Touring, China / ‘Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain’, Whitechapel Gallery, London, England / ‘You’ll never know’, Hayward Gallery Touring, UK / ‘New British Video’, MoMA, New York, USA / Beano: The Art of Breaking the Rules – Somerset House, London / Do not disturb – Palais de Tokyo, Paris / OCAT Museum, Shanghai, China / Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, UK.
Selected screenings: MoMA, Queens, New York / MOCA, Los Angeles / Tate Modern, London / Centre Pompidou, Paris / Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden / De Appel, Amsterdam, Netherlands / National Theatre, London.
Selected collections: Museum of Modern Art, New York / Tate, London / Arts Council Collection / British Council Collection / Centre Pompidou Collection / FNAC, France / Government Art Collection / Kadist Foundation, Paris / Ludwig Collection.
John Wood (n.1969, Hong Kong) e Paul Harrison (n.1966, Wolverhampton) colaboram desde 1991 e produziram o seu primeiro trabalho, Board, em 1993. Exploram a forma como interagimos com o mundo que nos rodeia, destacando o vulgar, o absurdo e o acidental.
Wood e Harrison são fascinados pela arquitetura e pelo design e pela forma como nos relacionamos com o nosso ambiente de formas não intencionais. Exploram a tendência humana para improvisar ou estragar as coisas, sem dúvida no bom sentido. As suas obras formam uma espécie de manual de referência sobre como fazer, criar, construir ou desenhar coisas que provavelmente nunca quererá fazer, criar, construir ou desenhar. Fazem-no por si, mesmo que não lho tenha pedido.
Durante os últimos 15 anos, houve uma evolução radical no seu trabalho, passando de um trabalho quase exclusivamente em vídeo para uma prática que incorpora múltiplas formas de examinar temas inicialmente explorados nos seus trabalhos em ecrã. Agora, através do vídeo, da escultura, da pintura e do desenho, continuam a demonstrar os triunfos e as tribulações de viver a vida e fazer arte.
Entre as exposições individuais recentes destacam-se: ‘Everything is Black and White’, Galeria Vera Cortês, Lisbon (2021); ‘Bored’, Gallery Cristin Tierney, Nova Iorque (2021); ‘Words Made of Atoms’, Gallery von Bartha, S-chanf, Suíça (2020); ‘As logical as possible’, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Alemanha (2017).
Exposições coletivas recentes incluem: ‘Beano: The Art of Breaking the Rules, Somerset House’, Londres (2021); ‘Fresh Window’, MUDAM, Luxemburgo (2019); ‘On Struggling to remain present when you want to disappear’, OCAT Museum, Shanghai, China (2018); ‘[Re]construct’, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield (2017).
Selecção de exposições individuais em museus: CAMH, Houston, EUA; Mori Museum, Tóquio, Japão; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, Reino Unido; Frist Centre, Nashville, EUA; Kunstmuseum Thun, Suíça; Chateau de Rochechouart, França; Ludwig Museum, Budapeste, Hungria.
Exposições coletivas selecionadas: ‘Art Now’, Lightbox, Tate Britain, Londres / ‘Slapstick’ Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Alemanha / ‘Private Utopia’ British Council Touring, Japão / ‘Super 8’, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / ‘Open Space’, ICC, Tóquio, Japão / ‘Mardin Bienali, Mardin, Turquia / ‘Made in Britain’, British Council Touring, China / ‘Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain’, Whitechapel Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra / ‘You’ll never know’, Hayward Gallery Touring, Reino Unido / ‘New British Video’, MoMA, Nova Iorque, EUA / Beano: The Art of Breaking the Rules – Somerset House, Londres / Do not disturb – Palais de Tokyo, Paris / OCAT Museum, Xangai, China / Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, Reino Unido.
Projeções selecionadas: MoMA, Queens, Nova Iorque / MOCA, Los Angeles / Tate Modern, Londres / Centre Pompidou, Paris / Moderna Museet, Estocolmo, Suécia / De Appel, Amesterdão, Países Baixos / National Theatre, Londres.
Coleções selecionadas: Museum of Modern Art, Nova Iorque / Tate, Londres / Coleção do Arts Council / Coleção do British Council / Coleção do Centre Pompidou / FNAC, França / Coleção de Arte do Governo / Fundação Kadist, Paris / Coleção Ludwig.