Céline Condorelli was born in Boulogne-Billancourt/Paris, France, and is a French-Italian artist, living and working in London (UK).
Céline Condorelli was the National Gallery’s 2023 Artist in Residence, London.
Condorelli has produced an extensive body of work that develops different possibilities for living and working together, exploring notions such as public space, the commons, institutions, property relations. Condorelli’s practice is committed to a continuous exploration of the less explicit elements that compose the structures through which individuals encounter the world — be they cultural, economic, material, social or political – the apparatuses of visibility that are often taken for granted, and which the artist describes as “support structures”.
Céline Condorelli lives and works between London and Lisbon. A selection of exhibitions and projects include: Pentimenti (The Corrections), National Gallery, London, UK; Céline Condorelli: After Work, Talbot Rice Gallery, South London Gallery, UK (2022); Our Silver City 2094, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, UK (2022); Dos años de vacaciones, TEA, Tenerife, Spain (2021); Deux ans de vacances, FRAC Lorraine – Metz, France (2020); Ground Control, Bildmuseet, Umeå, Sweden (2020); Every Step in the Right Direction, Singapore Biennial (2019); Art Encounters Biennial, Timisoara, Romania (2019); Céline Condorelli, Kunsthaus Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland (2019); Host / Vært, Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark (2019); Zanzibar (commissioned sculpture), King’s Cross Projects, London, UK (2019); Geometries, Locus Athens, Greece (2018); Anren Biennale, Chengdu, China (2018); Epilogue, P!, New York, USA (2017); Wall to Wall, Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, Germany (2017); Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning), Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, Netherlands (2017); Corps à Corps, IMA Brisbane, Australia (2017); Conversation Piece (commissioned sculptures), MASP, São Paulo, Brazil; Gwangju Biennale, South Korea (2016); Liverpool Biennial, UK (2016); Biennial of Sidney, Australia (2016); Display Show, Stroom den Haag, Eastside Projects, Temple Bar Gallery, The Hague, Birmingham, Dublin (2015–2016); bau bau, HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy (2014).
Céline Condorelli nasceu em Boulogne-Billancourt/Paris, França, e é uma artista franco-italiana que vive e trabalha em Londres (Reino Unido).
Céline Condorelli foi Artista Residente da National Gallery, em Londres, em 2023.
Condorelli vem desenvolvendo um corpo de trabalho extenso sobre as diferentes possibilidades de viver e trabalhar em conjunto, explorando noções como o espaço público, os bens comuns, as instituições e as relações de propriedade. A prática de Condorelli foca a exploração contínua dos elementos menos explícitos que compõem as estruturas através das quais os indivíduos encontram o mundo – sejam elas culturais, económicas, materiais, sociais ou políticas – os aparatos de visibilidade que são muitas vezes tomados como garantidos, e que a artista descreve como “estruturas de apoio”.
Céline Condorelli vive e trabalha entre Londres e Lisboa. Uma seleção de exposições e projectos inclui: Pentimenti (As Correcções), National Gallery, Londres, Reino Unido; Céline Condorelli: After Work, Talbot Rice Gallery, South London Gallery, Reino Unido (2022); Our Silver City 2094, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, Reino Unido (2022); Dos años de vacaciones, TEA, Tenerife, Espanha (2021); Deux ans de vacances, FRAC Lorraine – Metz, França (2020); Ground Control, Bildmuseet, Umeå, Suécia (2020); Every Step in the Right Direction, Bienal de Singapura (2019); Art Encounters Biennial, Timisoara, Roménia (2019); Céline Condorelli, Kunsthaus Pasquart, Biel, Suíça (2019); Host / Vært, Kunsthal Aarhus, Dinamarca (2019); Zanzibar (escultura encomendada), King’s Cross Projects, Londres, Reino Unido (2019); Geometries, Locus Athens, Grécia (2018); Anren Biennale, Chengdu, China (2018); Epilogue, P! , Nova Iorque, EUA (2017); Wall to Wall, Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, Alemanha (2017); Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning), Stroom Den Haag, Haia, Holanda (2017); Corps à Corps, IMA Brisbane, Austrália (2017); Conversation Piece (esculturas comissionadas), MASP, São Paulo, Brasil; Bienal de Gwangju, Coreia do Sul (2016); Bienal de Liverpool, Reino Unido (2016); Bienal de Sidney, Austrália (2016); Display Show, Stroom den Haag, Eastside Projects, Temple Bar Gallery, Haia, Birmingham, Dublin (2015-2016); bau bau, HangarBicocca, Milão, Itália (2014).